Hi, my name is Dan and I started this website to provide information about different venues in the U.S. My hope is that you can get the information you are looking for about a particular venue from my site. I am building this site as I go so there may be new venues added every time you visit musicandsportsvenues.com.

I also place advertisements for event tickets and other products on this site. Although I don’t personally sell anything, I do make a commission if you click on one of the advertised websites and make a purchase. Your price will be the same whether you use the link on my website or if you purchase directly from the advertiser’s website. The money I earn from advertising helps me to maintain and continue to build this site.

Thank you for visiting musicandsportsvenues.com. My goal is to provide a little history and some information you may need about a venue if you are planning to attend an event there. There are so many great venues across the country that I can’t possibly include all of them on this site but I will continue to add more and more on a regular basis. I hope you find the information you are looking for.